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The purpose of writing this book is to inspire and give people practical information and tools to apply in their personal lives to create positive and lasting change. It will also serve to generate awareness and support for the project, help people to better grasp our aims and practices, and bring us to meet the right people who will want to be involved.
The book will explain our research into the human condition, human potential and human suffering, as well as our findings, personal experiences and approaches to personal and global health and responsibility.
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- the inner causes of human suffering;
- approaches to prevent, relieve and alleviate human suffering, and to realize human potential;
- the conflict and confusion between the animal nature (operating as the instincts of the body known as self-preservation and preservation of the species, commonly experienced as money/survival and sexuality/parenting) and the nature of the spirit;
- approaches to consciously identify, balance, resolve and transcend this inner conflict and confusion;
- the animal, lower or bodily nature in its rightful healthy place vs. perversion, misconduct and the seeking of sense pleasures as an end in itself, resulting in:
- disorders of mind and spirit - such as vanity, greed, falsehood, thirst for power, envy, covetousness;
- their origins, how they operate in personal experience and their consequences individually and societally, for example the current excessive and imbalanced materialistic societal consciousness;
- approaches to put mind and spirit in order, balance and stability - individually and societally;
- the difference between giving and receiving vs. exchange consciousness;
- the confusion between giving and receiving vs. imposing and taking - the collective lie;
- the spiritual meaning and purpose of money;
- conscious eating and nutrition; conscious rest, relaxation and sleep; ecological living; conscious co-creation with nature; creating harmony in home and work environment; transitioning in balance and timing;
- lifestyle choices and beliefs, and their consequences, including how thoughts and character create one's destiny;
- human relationships and their subtle psycho-spiritual dynamics, including unconscious projection, disownership, invasiveness, possessivity, compensation, repression, denial, manipulation through inappropriate use of willpower, emotional blackmail, need for attention, seduction;
- approaches to identify / make conscious these dynamics and how they operate in personal experience / relationships in order to transcend them, and thereby develop autonomy, self-determination, healthy boundaries, resistance to unwelcome influences, independence of thought, individuality, self-control, self-confidence, empowerment, etc.;
- true vs. false marriage and celibacy;
- the healthy meaning and purpose of sexual creative energy vs. the dangers of denial or misconduct;
- true marriage as a spiritual practice, initiation and accelerator;
- the difference between freedom vs. free will;
- the bondage of doership vs. the liberation of developing impersonality in being, thought, word and deed;
- the imaginary being, personality, small self or ego vs. the true divine universal self or eternal being;
- and more.
Jackson and Marie Wu
The Work : Classes and Sessions
Educational Project and Forthcoming Book
Music CDs and Watercolor Paintings
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