The Be Happy, Healthy and Whole Project is a Registered Charitable Trust in India since 2011, dedicated to the upliftment of humanity.
A Project to Help a Deserving Disadvantaged Indian Family To Start a New Life
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OBJECTS (OBJECTIVES) for which this Trust is established are:
(a) Relief of the poor and malnourished by way of distribution of food and/or nutritional supplements, including but not limited to:
(i) the free distribution of Iodine/Iodide in tablet/liquid form to the iodine deficient population of India to prevent incidents of goitre, hypothyroidism, mental retardation and cretinism; and to establish and maintain whole body iodine sufficiency for optimum health;
(ii) the free distribution of Inositol (a non-prescription naturally occurring compound found in fruits and vegetables like oranges and cantaloupes) shown in medical studies to reduce the debilitating effects of depression, anxiety, panic and stress, comparable in degree to prescription psychiatric medicines such as Fluvoxamine;
and to organise distribution centres for such purposes.
(b) To grant relief, assistance, education, coaching, guidance, counselling and/or vocational training in India for the benefit of the general public - including but not limited to - the poor and needy, and including but not limited to - the areas of food/nutrition, family planning, ecology, other secular knowledge and human values.
(c) To research, experiment, investigate, inquire, observe, question and otherwise study healthy living practices and methods of treatment, including but not limited to, food/nutrition, allopathic medicine, naturopathy, homoeopathy, ayurveda, lifestyle habits, thinking habits, feeling habits, ecological sustainable agriculture and architecture, human values, and inner work; and to establish, maintain, run, support and otherwise provide facilities for members of the general public to engage in and/or benefit from these activities and to educate/disseminate the knowledge/wisdom gained.
(d) To inspire, educate and encourage the general public to eat healthy, nutritious, ecological food; develop harmonious human relationships; and practice human values, with the aim of personal and global health and responsibility:
(i) to help people find fulfillment, detachment and equanimity in all aspects of life, including but not limited to daily life, family life, work life and inner life;
(ii) by cultivating through observation, study and practice, the qualities of love, discipline, beauty, humility, compassion, truth and simplicity;
(iii) and by learning to meet basic human material needs ecologically.
(e) To sponsor seminars, workshops and other educational events open to the general public in which practical life issues are addressed through approaches such as lecture, discussion, yoga, meditation, prayer, singing and creative/artistic expression.
(f) To produce, publish and/or sell/distribute printed and/or recorded audio-visual materials, such as brochures, newsletters, CDs/DVDs, websites and books, on topics including but not limited to (i) food and nutrition for optimal health, (ii) psychological and morality based teachings encouraging heart-centred self-knowledge and inner direct experience, and (iii) to inform the public about the organization's activities as well as developments in the community at large. Any and all proceeds shall be dedicated to the Objects of the Trust.
(g) To produce and/or sell/distribute non-prescription nutritional supplements, including but not limited to, Iodine and Inositol (discussed in Para 3(a)), for which any and all proceeds shall be utilized exclusively for the Objects of Trust.
(h) To encourage and support psychological, moral and inner growth of members of the public through living in community, which may involve cooperation, communication and participation in the affairs of daily life, such as physical or mental tasks, creative or artistic expression, and inwardly oriented self-observation practice.
(i) To engage in and to provide facilities for members of the public to engage in these and other activities concerning community living and inwardly oriented self-observation practice.
(j) To establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge/wisdom amongst the public in general.
(k) To establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other establishments for the relief and help to the poor, needy and destitute people, orphans, widows and aged persons.
(l) To establish and develop institutions for the physically handicapped and disabled or mentally retarded persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other help.
(m) To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earth quake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc. and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishments or persons engaged in such relief work.
(n) To grant aid or render assistance to other public charitable trusts or institutions.
(o) To undertake any other activity incidental to the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above objects.